Saturday, July 7, 2012

Tired and Lazy Mommy

I have been lagging in the blogger department lately. Of course, it's not a for a lack of things to say, just a lack of time to say it. Between my job, my kids, my TiVo queue etc... you get the picture. BUT! Andy got me a handy dandy iPad for my *cough* 40th 39th birthday, and I found this awesome Blogsy app, so now I think I am back. Because, I'm 39, *wink* and too lazy to get my giant laptop out with the cord and the outlet and the....

I'm also trying to curb my children's media diet... How am I doing? Not great, but I have at least put the kibosh on some of the more questionable programming. Baby steps.

One serious post to come...something yucky happened and I have been laboring over talking about it on the interwebs...but I'm ready. Reminiscent of this...but worse. Obviously, we are all no cliffhanger.

Talk soon....


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